I saw a sock upon a bollard

I saw a sock upon a bollard.

Is there anything more civilising than knitting?

a gathering together

an endearing donning

a putting on of love

a de-concreting

a consecration

a Holy moment in the middle of the road a counterweight

to the heavy load of the built

a domestic departure from ceaseless architecture that clogs the arteries of life.

Who knew a little sock

could put that right?

A cardigan cuddles a tree trunk

a beanie breaches an urban barrier

it carries a burden far greater than its size

it defies the high-rise

that surrounds it.

It reveals a truth

behind the lies of asphalt

it ties us to our mother

it says all men are brothers

it doesn't bother with pretension

it doesn't need to get attention

its simple statement of knit and purl

puts worldly worth into perspective

and challenges the bored and restive.

It quietens the heart

it starts a dialogue with the dreadful

and when all is said and done

the knitted world is fun.

Pete RM Cuppaidge © 2013